02 Aug The healthy way to stay cool in the summer heat
During the long, sweltering hot summer months, it can feel harder to stay fit and healthy, let alone stay cool in the summer heat. Most of our time is spent in doors and it is always a concern that prolonged time in air conditioning negatively impacts health. Whilst there is some proof that AC might cause more coughs and colds, there is also research that supports that a well maintained, clean AC unit can actually help alleviate the symptoms of asthma and allergy by filtering out dust and allergens.
Living here in the UAE with summer temperatures well up in the 40s, (other than importing an iceberg,) we have little choice: healthy or not, we have to depend on AC. Here are our top tips on keeping your air clean and your body healthy at home during the summer months:
- Keep it clean – look after your AC by being proactive about changing filters, getting it regularly maintained and keeping it clean. A service before and after the summer months is recommended and Swiss company Sanicare recommends an annual deep clean to pick up any potential issues before they happen.
- Healthy eating – lots of fresh fruit and vegetables are always important, but step it up during the summer to boost your vitamin intake, particularly vitamins like C which support your immune system. Peppers, guava, kale, kiwi fruits and broccoli are listed as the top five natural sources of vitamin C.
- Keep hydrated – keep up the fluids, we live in a desert and the AC contributes to the drying effects of the environment. Research suggests at least 2 liters of water a day for a woman and 2.5 liters a day for a man. Fluids are gained from all foods and drinks. One way to know if you are adequately hydrated is to check that your urine is clear.
- Avoid toxins – the AC is re-circulating air, so if you are using toxic cleaning products, burning scented candles or smoking you will be negatively impacting your health even more than usual. Burn candles with caution and chose organic, natural products such as Neom Organics. Ripe stock natural cleaning products that can be purchased online.
- Exercise – there are some great water based sports that can be enjoyed through the summer months such as swimming or paddle boarding. Take advantage of the longer days and hit the beach during the early mornings and evenings to improve your general wellbeing.
Health at Hand is launching soon. Our new mobile phone app will mean that you can have a virtual doctor visit online at any time of day or night. Find out more about how it works by clicking here.
Telehealth is coming: in 2016, there were 1.2 million virtual doctor visits in the US.
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